Our logistics team provides efficient and effective services ensuring quick delivery and turnaround times. Our team consists of former military executives with over 20 years of logistics and supply chain experience. We understand the needs of our clients and tailor our services to meet their specific needs. Our staff knows the importance of timing and delivery when working within logistics projects. We take our time to make sure that the process is conducted swiftly and carefully.

Our logistics services include management of a “tailored” procurement and logistics support service providing real-time supply and logistics support requirements to sustain worldwide support operations with reinforcement in supplies, vehicles, equipment, and other services.

We provided management oversight for a multi-functional procurement and logistics service to Federal employees. We provided technical guidance, day-to-day management, direction and integration of each functional area within the Agency’s Command Logistics Program to include:

  • Acquisition/Procurement Management,
  • Life Cycle Supply Chain Management,
  • Disaster Recovery and Contingency planning,
  • Property Accountability
  • Warehousing, Material Maintenance,
  • Mobility/Deployment, Inter-Agency Support Agreements,
  • Vehicle Fleet Management and budgetary requirements.

Our IT professionals provide networking solutions allowing your organization to interact cross functionally.  Some services we provide include infrastructure maintenance, computer repair, and troubleshooting. Our highly trained staff pays a great attention to detail and provides quality service. We also work hand in hand with our clients to ensure that all of your needs are met. We put our clients first. We listen better to understand our clients’ needs and deliver smart, cost-effective solutions.

Technical Summary of capabilities include:
Data Mining, Database management, Data analysis, Network administration, Web design, Project Management and Graphics.

Programming Languages:

  • Java
  • Phpmysql
  • HTML5

Software/Applications include:

  • Phpmyadmin
  • Dreamweaver MX
  • SQL Server
  • Microsoft Office Suite
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Final Cut Pro.

Operating Systems:

  • Windows Servers
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Mac
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